When To See A Dentist Waterford MI

By Jana Serrano

The teeth play an important role in the body. By taking good care of your teeth, you can enhance the health of your mouth and body. Some of the things you need to do to accomplish this are brushing our teeth two times per day, seeing a dentist regularly and eating healthy foods. According to the American Dental Association, people should see a dental practitioner two times per year. If they consult with a dentist Waterford MI dwellers can benefit in many ways.

When you visit a dental clinic for a checkup, the dentist will evaluate the health of your teeth, gums, tongue, throat, lymph nodes and cheeks among other parts. He or she can look out for signs of vitamin deficiencies, oral cancer and gum disease among other disorders. At each visit, the dental practitioner will also check the condition of old fillings and restorations. Constant pressure from grinding, chewing or clenching can cause filings and restorations to chip or crack.

When performing a dental checkup, dentists also check for signs of plaque buildup. Plaque is a bacteria laden film that can build up on our teeth quickly if you do not maintain good oral hygiene. It can irritate the gum tissue or harden on teeth. When plaque accumulates excessively on teeth and gums, it can cause cavities and gum disease. Dentists can remove plaque effectively.

The other benefit of seeing a dental practitioner regularly is preventing dental health problems like gum disease, oral cancer, tooth decay and tooth loss. This professional can help you prevent such problems by performing tooth cleanings and fluoride treatments. A dental practitioner can also detect oral diseases early and take the right measures to reverse them.

Apart from performing checkups and tooth cleanings, dentists also offer other important services. These services include, extracting teeth, filling cavities, whitening teeth and installing dentures and dental crowns. Dentists also can also replace missing teeth.

The residents of Waterford, Michigan should also see a dentist when they experience dental problems that need to be addressed quickly. One such problem is an avulsed permanent tooth. Dentists are able to replant avulsed teeth. It is also essential to see a dental practitioner if a tooth breaks or chips.

The other reason why you should see a dentist promptly is if you suffer lacerations or cuts to your cheeks, tongue or gums. These cuts can occur due to trauma to the area around your mouth such as after failing. Dentists can stitch some lacerations that occur inside the mouth. They may allow minor lacerations to heal on their own and treat serious lacerations with antibiotics if they are likely to develop an infection.

The other time when you should consult with a dentist is when you notice swelling or redness over a large area of the skin in your mouth or gums. This can be a sign of an infection, gingivitis, a dental abscess of another kind of dental or gum disorder. It is also essential to see a dental practitioner if you have jaw pain. This pain can occur due to inflammation or degeneration of the jaw joint. By consulting with a dental practitioner, you can improve your oral health and avoid spending money on costly dental procedures.

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