The Disabling Condition Known As Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Albury NSW

By April Madrid

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, running from the forearm, through the wrist and to the hand, is occluded. This happens to individuals who do repetitive tasks on the job. Sewing, typing or working on an assembly line are often the cause of this affliction according to an Albury Chiropractor.

This disorder causes severe pain and the individual is unable to perform the same job. Men develop this condition less frequently than women. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often responsible for people missing work.

The tunnel through which the median nerve travels is very narrow. This is the reason it can be compressed so easily. Due to women having smaller wrists than men, they are likely to be more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome. It causes serious pain and numbness.

There will be itching and burning in addition to the hurting and numb sensations. It affects the palm of the hand, the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger. It weakens the hand and the individual may not be able to pick anything up.

Your first office visit with a chiropractor will be spent testing to confirm that carpal tunnel is present. One test places a cuff on the wrist and inflates it. A compression test is performed by applying pressure on the median nerve with both thumbs. The shoulders, neck, hands and arms are also a part of the physical examination.

Alleviating the pain associated with this condition will require an extended period of rest. The swelling that is caused by inflammation can be eased by cool applications. Chiropractic joint adjustments are often effective.

Someone with carpal tunnel syndrome can rely on the chiropractor for professional advice. Take rest breaks often when performing repetitive tasks. Keep the hands warm and correct any bad postural habits. If possible, do not work at a task that caused the debilitating condition in the first place.

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