The Benefits Of Engaging In Regular Parkinsons Disease Exercise

By Patrick Hayes

When a person is diagnosed with PD or Parkinson's disease, it is important for this individual to have a strategy for care and ongoing therapy. This is essential for slowing the progression of this ailment, minimizing symptoms, and maintaining a high quality of life. Following are just a few of the many advantages that senior adults can experience when taking part in Parkinsons disease exercise.

Although PD or Parkinsons disease is largely associated with the shakes and tremors that affect the hands and other extremities, it is the stiffness that ones with this ailment that makes it most debilitating. Movement helps keep stiffness as bay by keeping each of the limbs moving fluidly and in a well-coordinated fashion. People who workout often are usually able to get out and enjoy themselves without dealing with crippling dystonia.

Keeping moving is also good for promoting good health after diagnosis. Patients should still do all that they can to maintain healthy and balanced body weights, rather than leading sedentary lives and loading their diets with an abundance of sugar and fat. Routine physical activity is the best way for aging adults to keep the extra pounds off, especially given that the metabolism is wont to slow down at this stage of life.

Another important benefit gained from these activities is dramatically improved balance. Maintaining balance and coordination is vital for ensuring that people can live on their own for as long as possible and without the need for significant assistance. With these two attributes, they can safely do more for themselves.

With improved balance, senior adults may be able to avoid trip and fall injuries that are devastating. This can be especially helpful in the kitchen, bath or shower. Many seniors do not spend a lot of effort building and preserving their balance. Once their balance starts to fail, however, structured exercise may be able to help them regain it.

Among the very best exercises that people can engage in at this time are the activities that entail opposite arm and leg motions. A good activity is walking given that it is low-impact. Swimming and dance are beneficial also. These are things that engage every part of the body to both build new neural connections and strengthen old ones. They are also good for improving both general health and all-around brain health.

If a person is not physically able to take part in routine exercise, it may be possible for this same individual to benefit from forced exercise. This is hardly like its name sounds. With forced exercise, a special machine can take a person through the motions of specific activities. For instance, if you are unable to ride a bike, some bikes can actually take your legs through the motion of cycling for a similar range of benefits.

Exercise can actually alleviate a number of the motor control symptoms and stiffness that people suffer from. It is an excellent addition to a person's pain management plan. It is also great for helping seniors maintain their sense of autonomy and independence by keeping them active and engaged long after their diagnoses have been received.

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