Available Colon Cleanse Products In Canada

By Freida Michael

There are a lot of provisions in the market now promising detoxification. However not all are effective and professional opinion should be sought before one starts the usage of these items. One of the most commonly used products is laxatives. There are many types available but though their mode of action may be a bit different the results are just the same. They ought to be taken with water though. Below are other available colon cleanse products in Canada.

A patient can also ask for an enema. Enema is effective in reducing constipation although it usually is not the best. It is given rectally by a doctor who inserts it. It is very irritating. A colon cleansing doctor takes this option when constipation becomes persistent. It is an answer to problems of full system.

Liquid or powder supplements are a large variety. They are administered orally or rectally. All of them are effective in expelling the accumulated waste products. They are bought in nutrition stores, malls, pharmacies or online. It is good for one to take time and research on the best products because fake ones exist. Make consultations with the doctor before trying out any of the methods.

Colonic irrigation is another method. It is less attractive because of the large cost incurred. Colonic irrigation is done rectally or orally. No method is more superior to the other in removing waste products. It is not necessary but patients wishing to have it can. The bowel cleaning doctor starts a pumping system that runs water through the bowel. At the same time, he massages the stomach as the pumping activity proceeds. This process is completed after four hours.

Fiber rich products are an option too. It is the only nutrient not digested and does help in bowel contraction. Fiber can be either soluble or insoluble and taking produces which contain both types instead of just one is an added advantage.

Copious amounts of water are also helpful. They improve the functionality of the body. Instead of relying on taking eight glasses of water, the clients can also assess urine color. Pale yellow urine is a sign that the body water levels are enough. Dark urine is due to dehydration. Caffeinated drinks and alcohol are not solutions because they increase dehydration.

Fermented food products are great too as they contain bacteria which help in synthesis of certain nutrient types, degradation of some toxins and prevention of growth of harmful micro-organisms in the digestive system.

Using Large intestine cleaners is not always safe, whether it get done at home or in hospitals. Government has not been active in regulating the manufacture of these products. It becomes therefore important to consult the doctor on the best method and the prescription. Some of those who have used them previously have developed complications. You are not an exception. Some of the side effects are vomiting, cramps, nausea. Bowel perforation, dizziness and infection. Make sure that the colonic specialist you visit in specialized and licensed. You may end up paying more money if complications arise later.

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