KOXO Kickboxing Donates Class Packages & Over $50,000.00 In Cash To Cancer Research!

By Stephanie Vacchio

KOXO Kickboxing gave over $50,000 to the cancer foundation in the first quarter of 2014. We are happy to offer our appreciation & honor with an award in honor of KOXO Kickboxing & given to Tom Donovan the Fitness director of KOXO Kickboxing at Cullers and Parchino in Whitestone NY at our yearly dinner dance.

The night went well, it was full of gratitude towards Tom Donovan the fitness director and founder of KOXO Kickboxing who has contributed so much in such a dire need since we met in late 2013. We offered the 2014 award to KOXO Kickboxing of for the outstanding advances that we were able to develop because of KOXO Kickboxing.

Mr. Tom Donovan even gave us gift certificates that we have raffled off at our fund raiser for KOXO Kickboxing, Inc group fitness classes. The group fitness kickboxing classes that are held at KOXO Kickboxing, Inc that were raffled off went to college students of all races, genders and religions that live on Long Island and attend Hofstra University, Adelphi University, Nassau Community College, Molly College and all surrounding colleges, trade schools, high schools and education departments. KOXO Kickboxing's goal is to help raise awareness throughout the education system in Nassau County & Suffolk County Long Island.

The evening was pleasant and the KOXO Kickboxing, Inc school was greatly appreciated, the kickboxing instructors Michael & Robert were so entertaining and helpful with self defense ideas.

KOXO Kickboxing which hosts a variety of Fitness Kickboxing & Boot Camp classes that are geared to get you in shape, keep you in shape and keep you motivated was so pleased with the actually ideas and individuals that were helped by their donations that they pledged to beat their current donations next year in even a shorter amount of time.

As we progress throughout the year with our cancer research we will continually honor Mr. Tom Donovan and KOXO Kickboxing, Inc as a founding contributor to our cancer research foundation. Without the help from KOXO Kickboxing, Inc and Mr. Tom Donovan we would not have been able to create such an influence and help so many young people.

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