Dietary Health Supplements May Restore Optimum Physical And Mental Performance

By Rashad Moriarty

There is some controversy about the use of nutritional supplements, with some experts claiming that we should get enough nutrients from our diets. Yet more and more people are suffering from various complaints and just do not seem healthy. Supplementing your diet with certain essential nutrients might be the answer to low level health problems.

After many years of continuous cropping, farm lands have become increasingly depleted of essential nutrient. Artificial fertilizers, while producing heavier crops, do not replace rare trace elements. People no longer live on the land, and nutrients are extracted and never replaced, while modern farming does not encourage healthy plant or animal growth.

Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and immune function, as well as a range of other functions. While it is produced by the action of sunlight on your skin, the sun must be higher than 50 degrees in the sky for this to happen. If you need to supplement with this vitamin, make sure that it is the Vitamin D3 variety, or use a sun bed with UVB light, as UVA rays will increase your cancer risk.

Any supplements that you decide to take should be bioavailable, otherwise you are simply wasting your money. They need to be in a natural form so that your body can recognize and utilize them. Synthetic nutrients are often ineffective, even though they may be identical chemically. In some cases these synthetics can be actually be toxic, so it is worth while making sure you get the correct form.

As always, more is not necessarily better. While the officially recommended RDA is too low, you should be careful to stick to the stated dose on the package, as overdosing can be dangerous. Vitamin D can actually cause a painful death from symptoms of a severe sunburn. However, supplements are safe if taken as recommended.

Supplements with anti-aging properties are becoming increasingly popular. Of especial importance are antioxidants, with resveratrol and Astaxanthin revealing great potential to keep you looking younger. Resveratrol is found mainly in dark chocolate and other cocoa products, with Astaxanthin occurring in large quantities in shellfish and pink salmon.

The point is that there are foods that provide all these natural substances, but concentrations are usually low. Bigger doses than are available naturally can have marked therapeutic effects, as long as certain limits are not exceeded. By eating organic food and taking nutritional supplements containing the right nutrients, you can achieve amazing vitality.

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