Problems Of The Organ Of Sight And The Need For AREDS II

By Cornelia Reyes

The eye is one of the most important organ of the human body. Which is why there is the need for it to be taken good care of. This is for the reason that it is the only organ that gives vision to the everyone. And when it has been lost, one will not be able to see the magical world that she is living in. Good thing there is already the AREDS II that will help the people, big time.

There are plenty of reasons behind the losing of ones sight. This could be the cause of an accident and others could be the because of a health disorder. Accidents that led a person to be immune with blankness ever since he took his first breathe could be how the the mother handled herself while conceiving the baby in her womb.

The blurry vision is another eye problem faced by a ton of people. This is caused by too much exposure to reading and to computers. Which is commonly faced by people especially since the computer nowadays are taking its dominion in a lot of different households.

Some of the problems will be seen or noticed at a very young age. While other will be noticed as soon as person already reached the age of forty. An example for this is the presbyopia. This is the problem that will lead a person to lose focus on a certain object that is near her vision. It will only be noticeable during forty though.

The most common target of these eye problems are the older people. All for the reason that their system and their nerves are already weakened by old age. Other are caused by over exposure over a simple but harmful thing that made them pay their sensory sight, causing them to be impaired with the ability to see things clearly.

This cataract is commonly caused by the testing of time. When a person turns a little bit older, he or she will be prone to this disease. This is the cloudiness to the lens of the organ. Hence, it causes the halos found around lights, sensitivity to glares, an the poor vision both in daytime especially during nighttime commonly felt by elderly.

Others are cause by being diabetic. This is for the reason that this disease easily impairs the ability of other organs to perform the functions very well. Not to mention the hard and the strong medicines that also affect the eye of a person, causing blurry vision and other disorders.

It was mentioned before that aging is the factor that affect the health of an individual The macular degeneration is one of the most common problems faced by people that also cause them blindness whenever their age reach over sixty. This will start impairing their sight with blurred and wavy lines.

However, this problem does not only affect the older people nowadays because there are younger ones who were affected because of several reasons. Which paved the way for the study of AREDS II that is focused on helping a lot of people. Considering the fact that there study is consisted about treatments and all precautionary measures.

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